What To Do About A Wasp Infestation On Your Dallas Property


Here in Dallas, a lot of us have welcomed the fall weather with open arms. It’s such a pleasure to sit outside in the cooler weather and work around the yard, or perhaps you would like to have a cookout or spend time with the kids outside. 

If your property has wasps, that situation can change rapidly. Maybe you have seen a nest, or you’re unsure what type of wasp you've seen flying around your home. If you’ve been searching for pest control in Dallas, you have come to the right place. In Denton County, we find several different types of wasps that our technicians are skilled in identifying. At Texas Star Pest & Termite, we can help you find the best way to get rid of wasps in Dallas. We can also help you with wasp prevention and wasp removal, making sure you can enjoy your property year-round.

Common Types Of Wasps Found In Dallas

There are several wasp and hornet species commonly seen around Dallas homes and businesses, including: 

  • Paper Wasps: Brownish with yellow markings, a few species have reddish markings, size is between ? to ¾ inches
  • Yellow jackets: Black and yellow markings, often confused with honey bees, about half an inch in size  
  • Cicada killer wasps: Black or dark brown with yellow markings, about two inches in length
  • Baldfaced hornets: Black with white markings on the face, between ½ to ? inches in length
  • Mud daubers: Black with pale markings, sized between ½ to over 1 inch

While these wasps vary in size, aggression, and threat level, they are all a potential hazard around your home. 

Some Wasps Are More Dangerous Than Others

When dealing with stinging insects, it is a good idea to know which are dangerous and which are beneficial or harmless. Of the different types of wasps listed above, paper wasps and yellow jackets are the most dangerous wasps in our area. We strongly suggest that you don’t try to remove these on your own. 

Paper wasps build their nests around residential properties and will defend their nest by stinging if you get too close. Yellow jackets also become aggressive when their nest is approached and can sting you multiple times. You may be allergic or become hypersensitive to the venom after multiple stings. 

Cicada killer wasps sound menacing; however, they are beneficial because they kill cicadas. The males do not have stingers, and the females will only sting if handled. On the other hand, bald hornets are extremely aggressive and carry painful stings. Luckily, they tend to make their nests up high, so they are less likely to come into direct contact with humans.

Mud daubers typically are not dangerous, but you must take care during wasp removal because when they leave the nest, more dangerous wasps often take it over. 

Five Naturally Effective Wasp Prevention Tips For Your Yard

Worried about wasps becoming attracted to your yard? Here are five useful tips you can use to prevent them:

  1. For effective wasp prevention, trim hedges and bushes regularly.
  2. When eating outdoors, keep food and drinks covered as much as you can.
  3. Remove fruits that have fallen from trees to the ground.
  4. Feed pets indoors, or bring bowls in as soon as they are finished.
  5. Avoid using hummingbird feeders.

While these tips can go a long way toward keeping your home wasp-free, if and when they become a problem around your yard, it's time to call a professional for help. 

Contact The Pros For Total Wasp Control Around Your Home

The safest and best way to get rid of wasps on your Dallas property is to bring in professionals. Our technicians have experience dealing with all types of wasps. Considering the danger in taking care of a nest on your own and the difficulty you may have in identifying dangerous vs. non-stinging wasps, it is best to reach out for help. Let our family help your family stay safe and enjoy your property at any time of year.